Saturday, October 17, 2009

Welcome to Golf Book Review

Golf Book Review has been established to provide a vehicle for golf writers and golf enthusiasts to evaluate the myriad of golf books that have been published over the past 400+ years.
Golf and the written word just seem to go together. It is certain that no one has a precise figure concerning the quantity of golf books that have been written through the years. And we certainly don not want to contemplate any mathematical computation as to the quantity of periodicals and the like. Any guess at such numbers would be strictly in keeping with the most rigorous sense of the word – total speculation.

The game of golf lends itself to a wide variety of subject matter: History, Biography, Reference, Instruction, Fiction, Architecture, Inspiration, Humor, Travel, and Anthology. (There are perhaps more.) Within this wide array of subject matter, golf scribes fervently produce an astonishing volume of golf literature each year.

One of the most endearing aspects of golf books is that they do not have to be freshly published in hardcover volumes with the dust-jackets perfectly in tact. In fact the most beloved volumes are those that are dogeared with soft bindings and thumbed though hundreds of times. It's the constant wear and tear that makes each and every volume so special. Let's fact it, there is nothing quite so exhilarating as finding a hidden gem in a used bookstore and then claiming it for your own. (Well, except maybe draining a twenty-footer to win the weekend nassau.)

Golf books take us on a journey traveling the complicated network of literary highways through time and space. We cannot get lost but it is sometimes difficult to stay on the right thoroughfare. There are an infinite number of highways in the world of golf journalism all intersecting at some point. The world of golf literature is like a wagon wheel with the game itself as the hub.

It is with this appreciation of golf literature that we have conceived Golf Book Review.
Anyone wishing to contribute to this site may do so by providing a review to Please include text and a photo of the front of the book if possible. Also helpful would be the reviewers name and a one-two sentence bio. Unfortunately, there is no compensation for anyone contributing to this effort.

Join us on this literary journey.

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